Mandatory cinematic sequences

Developers, developers, developers, developers. They know they make games. Probably. They might think they’re making films, though, judging by the amount of fake cinematography in them. One difference between actual cinematography and game cinematography is that filming in real life captures an action taking place outside of the cameraman, thus is a presentation medium.

Video games on the other hand are drawn and programmed, thus when you find yourself watching a lengthily cinema sequence, you can’t help but feel those who designed it are enjoying a spot of autofellatio. That is to say, they care far more about their work than they do about whether or not other people particularly want to see it. See, however good the map and graphics are, they are compliments to gameplay, not the gameplay itself. People don’t boot up video games for a passive experience, they do it for an active experience. The result is that however excellent the cinema, a large proportion of us will skip it.

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Phoenix Wright

Phoenix Wright is not a game series it’s easy to find fans for in daily life. I’ve got two brothers, one of whom hates slow paced games with lots of dialogue and the other is so lazy he won’t even take a game suggestion from me because that would involve borrowing a DS and putting some time aside to play it. It truly is a mystery. Anyone would think I was asking him to dig me a military war bunker lined with currency that’s been out of circulation for thirty years.

In any case, Phoenix Wright is one of two franchises I’ve played that was heavy in dialogue. The other was Zone of the Enders on the GBA. Ah, what a nostalgia trip that is. The repetitive witticisms. The character clichés. The endless text-scroll boxes. The incomprehensible storyline. The insultingly easy game play. Phoenix Wright is much newer and better and is more like an interactive story than a traditional video game. There’s no shooting the thing or poking the squirrel or whatever it is you do in popular entertainment nowadays.

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