Grand Theft Auto V: Fun things to do on bikes

If you can get hold of a motorbike or a bicycle in GTA V, the rewards are plentiful. Here is a comprehensive list of daft and dangerous mini-games,  separated into motorbike and bicycle, because you never know which one you’re going to come across around the next corner.

Click here for Fun things to do anywhere, any timehere for Fun things to do in special locations, or here for Fun things to do in carsAlternatively, go sightseeing.

This blog is frequently updated. New entries since last update are all at the top of their subcategories and coloured blue.


Bike Wall-Push. Wheelie into a sheer wall and attempt to land back down without falling off the bike.

Flippant Frontflip. Cycle towards an oncoming car, bunny hop the bike (it’s the button that makes the character “take cover” while on foot) and push the analogue stick forwards into the windscreen of the car. It looks like a stunt trick for movies.

Deathdrop Bicycling. You can take a bike up the chairlift to the top of Mount Chiliad. Just ride it into the box car and it’ll come up with you. The best bikes for biking down the mountain are outside the entrance to the lift, in fact; these mountain bikes bounce magnificently off the jagged rocks when you ride off a sheer cliff. You’ll get in a good few bounces before you die.

 Motorbikes and Quadbikes

Bad Driver. Reverse a quadbike hard into any object to watch it flip over stupidly. Best done in crowded places with lots of people.

Cramped Cruisin’. Ride a quadbike, motorbike or bicycle inside buildings you can enter. This includes all functioning shops, who will then refuse to serve you, for that visit only.

Wheel Pop. After your quadbike burns out, use a jerry can to cover it in oil. Shoot the trail to light it. As it catches fire, its big wheels will pop satisfyingly.

Together We Fall. Ride a motorbike off a ramp or precipice into water and bail midair. See how you both fall, perhaps smashing into each other further down.

Bail Takedown / Leg-Sweep. While driving towards someone, bail to watch the motorbike take them out. For a full hit, bail out while close to them; for a leg sweep, bail out further away. The bike will fall on its side and skid into their shins.

Irksome Fly. Bump a car gently with a motorbike and stay still for a moment. The driver will get out their car to give you a good thrashing. Drive away slowly so that they chase you, then drive in tight circles around them. See how long you can get them to follow without catching you and without you hitting them.

Rodeo. On a motorbike, approach a low car from behind. Wheelie while accelerating to lodge your front wheel in the back of their car. Stay there for as long as you can!

Jousting. On a quadbike or motorbike, drive full throttle directly towards a fellow quadbike or motorbike traveller. Whoever fares worst, loses!

Cheatin Chicken. Drive a quad or motorbike straight towards a car coming in the opposite direction. Jump off last minute. Do it right, and You Will Live; a heavy impact at speed on a bike tends to kill your character almost instantly, even if it looks like only the bike got hit, not him.

Drunken Swerve Chicken. Find a dual carriageway and drive down the wrong side on a quad or motorbike. Swerve between both lanes, in and out of the oncoming cars in an S shape until you inevitably get smashed.

Backflip. If you go up a steep ramp fast enough, you will go high enough in the air to flip a bike and land back on your wheels. The best place I’ve found is the sand shark on San Andreas beach. To backflip, pull back on the analogue stick as you would for a wheelie, but keep going until your character has turned upright, then release / adjust to land flat.

Stair Bail. On a motorbike, accelerate towards a flight of stairs and bail just before. Try and get the bike to go down the stairs without you.